Remember when I used to digitally colour?One of my Greatest Hits.The little-known 2nd page. It was a Pixiv exclusive.MS Paint comic. I can't believe it's this oldMS PaintApparently this was the first thing I drew with a calligraphy pen!MS PaintSchooltime doodles.YES KIRBY... YOU ARE ART!!!!Hey, why is Kirby 64 like that?Mirror BattleSharing is caring!You're going to be seeing Taranza a lot on this page.I ran a "draw Kirby with your non-dominant hand" event on MFGG once.MS PaintAnother Greatest Hit!Taranza in MS PaintFeaturing Funassyi"shut up you ungrateful inbred"Sectonia is SO hard to drawThis was drawn to match the gijinka portrait I did of the ungrateful inbredMS Paint MagolorFan art of a certain infamous Marx/Magolor comic.I ran a Prince Fluff ask blog on Tumblr for a short whileA letter from Kirby for the ask blog.Kirby's AdventureColoured crop of a previous drawing.Adventure Meta Knight holding his sword in his cape.Kirby jack-o'-lantern I carved at a friend's house.MS Paint comicThese drawings are from 2018.Dapper Taranza.He's so moe. I can't handle it.Maid cafe.Maid cafe part 2. They're paid lessYo-yo is one of my favourites and I'm happy it's returnedI never draw Adeline the same way twiceCUNE 2018 S/Salso CUNEAt this point I lived in TamaAngura Kirby